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Porsche Being Investigated Over Gas-Engine Emissions Test Reporting

Author: Daniel-RufiangePublished:  8/24/2020
Porsche Being Investigated Over Gas-Engine Emissions Test Reporting Porsche Being Investigated Over Gas-Engine Emissions Test Reporting

Germany’s motor vehicle authority, the KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) is investigating Porsche for possibly having tampered with results of emissions tests of its gasoline engines.
A spokesperson for the KBA said today that the inquiry is looking into emissions tests carried out on Porsche’s gasoline engines produced for the European market prior to the 2017 year.

On Sunday, Porsche confirmed reports that it had informed authorities that an internal investigation had uncovered irregularities in the reporting of test results.

Recall that last year, German authorities had slapped Porsche with $535 million Euros (or $632 million USD) in fines for oversight failures that had allowed for falsified emissions tests reports to do with its diesel engines; this has yet to be proven when it comes to Porsche’s gasoline engines.

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A Porsche spokesperson said on Sunday that the test reporting problems concerned vehicles developed several years ago, adding that there was nothing to indicate that current models are affected, or their data being called into question. The automaker is, the spokesperson assured, working closely with German authorities.

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