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Quebec Will Phase Out EV Discounts by 2027

Author: Daniel-RufiangePublished:  1/1/0001
Quebec Will Phase Out EV Discounts by 2027 Quebec Will Phase Out EV Discounts by 2027

Big news for the auto industry from Quebec yesterday as the province’s government unveiled its 2024 budget. Finance Minister Éric Girard announced the gradual end of subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles. 

Remember that in Quebec, buyers are entitled to a $7,000 rebate on the purchase of an all-electric model, or $5,000 for a plug-in hybrid with a battery of more than 15 kWh and $2,500 if it's smaller. That discount comes on top of the $5,000 offered by the federal government, and it applies to vehicles with a base-model starting price under $65,000. 

The discount applies after taxes have been added to the selling price. 

As per the government’s announcement, in 2024, buyers will still be entitled to the $7,000 or $5,000 subsidies. Next year, the discount decreases to $4,000 and $2,000 respectively. In 2026, it dropw again to $2000 and $1000. And in 2027, the Roulez vert program will be a thing of the past as far as discounts for the purchase of electric vehicles are concerned. 

"You have to realize that the incentive was based on the difference between the price of electric cars and gasoline-powered cars; this difference has dropped significantly over time and a federal tax credit has been added," said Éric Girard. 

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