A Look at the Best-Selling PHEVs in Canada in 2022
Long -predicted and long-promised, the invasion of new electric models is now well and truly underway. Increasingly, consumers are proving ready to make the transition. For some, however, the transition to electric vehicles has be done gradually. Enter the possibility of acquiring a plug-in hybrid model, or PHEV.
There are more and more PHEVs to be found in dealer showrooms, but what has made the headlines are the waiting periods for them. One of the most popular, the Toyota RAV4 Prime, is almost impossible to get without first sitting on your hands for 18 or even 24 months.
Wait times have been so dire, for some buyers the big priority in making a decision is no longer even make and model, but accessibility. Online ads have appeared bearing ‘available quickly’ as top selling points.
That said, delays have not hit every automaker and every model equally. A look at the top 10 selling PHEVs in Canada since the beginning of 2022 reveals some surprises. The following figures are from Transport Canada and are as of the end of August.
Note that the data includes only models that qualify for the federal government's iZEV program. Which means a model like the 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander, for example, is not included because it doesn't offer the minimum 49-km range, one of the required criteria to receive a discount. It would be on this list otherwise.
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